Sunlit tones, glowing glamour, and classic beauty shine, brightly, with Shelby, in our "Radiance" photo shoot.

Shelby is a lovely southwest-Missouri-based model and student at Ozarks Technical Community College, studying to become a hearing specialist. I wanted to explore soft, glowing looks as well as darker, emotional moods, and a few edgy creations with Shelby. She brings a nice versatility to the stage that transitions, smoothly, from dark edge to engaging elegance, so, I knew she would shine.
But, arguably, what really sets her apart is her one-of-a-kind smile.
Shelby has the kind of smile that makes others have to smile. Even when I see it on my monitor, I can't help but grin. Having worked with her, I can attest it is a reflection of her remarkably kind, enthusiastic, and generous spirit. What a wonderful gift to share with the world. If you are having a tough day, just check back and get your Shelby fix.

After an afternoon of fun, beauty, and personality, I knew her fans would be pining for more. It is my pleasure to share with you, "9 questions with Shelby."
AB: How long have you been modeling?
Shelby: I am fairly new to modeling, going on almost 1 year.

AB: How did you get started modeling?
Shelby: I started doing promotional modeling, working for some amazing companies. I eventually started moving up with some of them which opened up incredible doors and opportunities. I have just recently started print modeling, within the last few months, and absolutely LOVE it!
AB: What excites you about a photo shoot?
Shelby: Every little girl loves playing dress up and now I get to do it as an adult, too.

AB: What advice do you have for young girls who aspire to model?
Shelby: If you want to pursue modeling, look at someone who is successful and see what they did and went through to make them so successful. Talk to as many people in the industry as you can. It is a learning experience. You will find out what works and what doesn’t. One thing that everyone I have talked to in the business has said is to always be yourself! Don’t be afraid to try new things or share an idea you have. You are creating something beautiful. There is no limit. I am still learning as I go but becoming more comfortable and confident with myself, which makes me a stronger model.

AB: Where do you find creative inspiration?
Shelby: I find my creative inspiration everywhere, from people, in general, to the internet. Pinterest is addicting along with Google. I am always looking for the next idea. Once I have an idea or a photographer shares an idea with me, my brain just will not stop until it is done.

AB: What is your favorite non-modeling hobby?
Shelby: That would have to be traveling! I LOVE to travel and plan to do a lot more! The world is so amazing with so many beautiful places to see and wonderful things to do. I try to live life to the fullest and plan to not just sit back and watch it go by. The gym is another one of my favorite hobbies. I love pushing myself and making myself a better person. The more I am able to do at the gym and achieve the results I work so hard for, the more confident and better I feel.
AB: What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Shelby: This is a tie. It would have to be shopping and having a bum day. I love to shop whether it is for clothes, shoes, or craft stuff. I just love it! I love buying people gifts, just because! I also love just being able to have a day where I have absolutely NOTHING planned (which is rare). I am bad about always wanting to have a list of things I need or want to get done. So, about once a week or every two weeks we try to have a day where we just go with the flow and enjoy whatever. It really does help recharge and can be very relaxing. I recommend everyone make days for themselves! Sometimes you get caught up in life and forget to enjoy it.

AB: What three words best describe you?
Shelby: Compassionate, giving, and ambitious.
AB: What is one thing people don't know about you?
Shelby: One thing people don’t know about me…hmm. I am a sucker for animals! If I were able, I would take in every stray I could. Growing up, I swore I was going to work at Sea World or with some sort of animal research organization. Animals are so fascinating to me and all so beautiful in some way.
You can follow Shelby's modeling journey at her Model Mayhem page.
My thanks to Shelby for a creating some beautiful images with me and for sharing her warmth with us.

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