Talented SW Misssouri-based model, Alyssa Holland, is a college student studying fashion design and fashion merchandising when not expressing herself in front of the lens. I connected with her, a while back, when we did some portfolio-building work, together. She did such a great job that I needed to bring her back. I did so, and I knew I needed to bring her back, yet again.

Alyssa has a very soft, feminine, beautiful look, as you can clearly see. I wondered what would happen if we threw some harsh light and edginess into the equation. She was game, so we gave it a whirl.

Add a bit of her natural movement, gleaned from a background of dance, and we had a recipe for a grand time of creative image-making.

At the end of our session, we played what I call, "The Expressions Game." It is a fun little sequence where Alyssa gives me some silly expressions, at my direction. Her resulting expressions are nearly off the adorable charts. But, you'll see that, later on. For now, you need to get to know our star a little better. Please dig into a very entertaining, 11 Questions With Alyssa.
AB: How long have you been modeling?
Alyssa: I have been modeling for Victor's International Model & Talent Management for about a year and a half now, and have loved every bit of it!

AB: How did you get started modeling?
Alyssa: I actually started modeling by entering a competition at a local mall. In the competition you had to model, walk a runway, and perform a talent, and I ended up winning! This helped me to get started. I then went on to attend a scouting event and was lucky enough to be chosen to attend the next event. After attending and walking in front on multiple agencies, I got a call back and ended up signing with my current agency.

AB: What do you love most about modeling?
Alyssa: There are many things I love about modeling, so it's hard to choose what I love most. If I had to choose one thing though, it would be that, through modeling, I have the ability to help someone bring their creative vision to life. It's so interesting to see all the ideas artists have and how they turn out. Even better, I get to dress up or play a role and do what I love as well, and then I can look back at everything I have accomplished with the people I have worked with. There are some very powerful images that really speak to people, and I'm hoping that at least one of my images will be able to do that.

AB: What advice do you have for young girls who aspire to model?
Alyssa: My advice to young girls would be to be themselves and shoot for the moon. You don't have to be what society considers the perfect model type in order to do what you love. If you want to model, go for it, and don't let anything or anyone stop you. I mean, look at me, I'm 5'2" and doing what I love!

AB: Where do you find creative inspiration?
Alyssa: I find creative inspiration everywhere! I love looking through magazines, though. There are always so many new trends and amazing models from whom I find inspiration.

AB: What are your favorite types of shoots to do?
Alyssa: I really don't have a favorite type of shoot, all of them are fun to me!

AB: How do you describe your modeling style?
Alyssa: I would describe my modeling style as classy with an edge.
AB: What is your favorite non-modeling hobby?
Alyssa: My favorite non-modeling hobby would have to be dancing. I started dance kind of late in 8th grade and continued it throughout high school. I then came to college and minored in dance for the first few years until I decided to double major in fashion design and fashion merchandising, taking me on a different route. I still dance occasionally and participate in something called Greek Jam, a dance competition between all greek life on campus, every year.

AB: What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Alyssa: My guiltiest pleasure is definitely food, specifically cookies! I also like to bake and experiment with new things. If I could just spend my days cooking and eating I'd be perfectly content.

AB: What 3 words best describe you?
Alyssa: Hmm, the three words that best describe me would have to be quiet, loving, and unique.

AB: What is one thing people do not know about you?
Alyssa: One thing that people don't know about me (other than my family) is that I LOVE chocolate-strawberry milk...and yes I said chocolate-strawberry, as in the two mixed together. It sounds really weird, but to me it's so good! My grandparents would make it for me when I was little every time our family visited, and I've been hooked ever since.

You can show your support for every step of Alyssa's modeling journey at her Model Mayhem page.
My deepest gratitude to the very kind and lovely Alyssa for a fantastic experience.

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