When I wanted to explore a marriage of graphic fashion looks and expressive fine art emotion, with just a touch of exotic flavor, I knew Cameo Hopper was our gal. She not only brings a beautiful balance of these aesthetics to the stage, but, she also brings a high level of creativity to a shoot. I knew she would be the perfect collaborator for our creative visual exploration.

My influence for this shoot is drawn from two main sources. In addition to a continuation of my Herb Ritts influence of graphic shapes and high contrast, I also injected some 2000s beauty looks, loosely influenced by Kate Moss, one of my supermodel heroes.

After only 10 months experience under her belt, Cameo has already become a sought-after presence on the SW Missouri modeling scene. But, modeling is only part of the Cameo equation. In the winter of 2013, she graduates from Missouri State University with a double major in Biology and Psychology. After a brief break, it's off to grad school.

We sat with Cameo for five hard boiled questions to get right down to the bottom of things.
AB: What excites you about a photo shoot?
Cameo: During a photo shoot I'm most excited about getting to be creative. I think creating a picture is like painting a picture. Wardrobe, makeup, poses are like selecting colors to paint with!
AB: What is one stereotypical modeling myth you'd like to debunk?
Cameo: I would like to debunk the myth that a model over age 21 has no future in this industry.

AB: Where do you find creative inspiration?
Cameo: I find creative inspiration in people. Emotions are the most beautiful thing a person has to share. I find inspiration in the triumphs and success of others. Their happiness makes me happy, their joy lifts my heart, and etc.
AB: You are given $100K to spend in a day, what is your first purchase?
Cameo: The very first thing I would buy with 100k is a plane ticket to Italy! I want to travel the world and that's first on my list!!

AB: What is one thing people don't know about you?
Cameo: Most people don't know that I was a major tomboy growing up. I was the girl who played in the dirt and beat the boys at sports!!
There you have it! Be sure to follow Cameo's modeling page on Facebook for all the latest stops on her journey: www.facebook.com/modelcameoyvette
My deepest gratitude to Cameo for a wonderful creative collaboration.
